Calcarea Phosphorica 3X
Calcarea Phosphorica 3X
Low stock
It has proved curative in cancer, catarrh, chlorosis, "green sickness," consumption, rickets, curvature of the spine, spinal weakness, open fontanelles, hydrocephalus, bow legs in children, scrofula, albuminuria, anemia, diseased state of bones, broken bones, convalescence, convulsions, emaciation, painful gums, dentition, headache, leucorrhea, perspiration (excessive), night-sweats, rheumatism, scrofulous ulcers, clammy feet, and hands, tonsils chronically swollen, etc.,
Calcarea Phosphorica 3X
Calcarea Phosphorica 3X
Low stock
It has proved curative in cancer, catarrh, chlorosis, "green sickness," consumption, rickets, curvature of the spine, spinal weakness, open fontanelles, hydrocephalus, bow legs in children, scrofula, albuminuria, anemia, diseased state of bones, broken bones, convalescence, convulsions, emaciation, painful gums, dentition, headache, leucorrhea, perspiration (excessive), night-sweats, rheumatism, scrofulous ulcers, clammy feet, and hands, tonsils chronically swollen, etc.,