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Dr. Willmar Schwabe India

Sabal Pentarkan

Sabal Pentarkan

Regular price ₹171
Regular price ₹190 Sale price ₹171
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Expiry: Feb 2028

Sabal Pentarkan helps in removing infections in the bladder due to prostatic enlargement. It tends to calm bladder irritability when there is an intolerable constant urge to urinate, with burning pain, and urine passes away drop by drop due to recurrent infections. It also helps in inflammations of the bladder and conditions associated with chronic prostatitis and chronic urinary tract infections such as cystitis.

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Sabal Pentarkan® (WSI) should be taken as follows: 

For acute complaints, 10-20 drops should be taken at hourly intervals until an improvement occurs, up to a maximum of 12 times a day. For subsequent treatment, 10-20 drops should be taken 3 times a day.

Children should be given half of the adult dose. 

Side effects: No side effects of Sabal Pentarkan® (WSI) are known. 

Contra-indications: Do not use this product in patients known to be hypersensitive to Echinacea or to other Compositae flowers. 

Interactions: No interactions between Sabal Pentarkan®(WSI) and other products are known. 


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